Investigators on Thursday released a third photo of the person. In two photos, he is seen entering a stairwell and carrying a white plastic bag. The latest shows him on an escalator inside the Southwest Plaza Mall.
Firefighters found the devices after the fire that prompted the evacuation of the mall around noon Wednesday. No one was injured and the devices didn't explode.
Authorities are investigating the source of the fire, including whether it was caused by the failed detonation of a bomb, said West Metro Fire Rescue spokeswoman Cindy Matthews.
Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the shooting rampage at nearby Columbine High School and officials expressed concern that it could be somehow linked.
"The fact that has happened on April 20, 12 years later, near the school and with similar devices is very disturbing," said Jefferson County sheriff's spokeswoman Jacki Kelley.
A possible connection to Columbine will be explored.
"It's something that can't be ignored and won't be ignored," Kelley said.
I think that this is really sad that after every thing this community has been through that people are still terrorizing this town. I hope that the person that did this receives severe punishment so others will see the consquences of these kind of actions.
this is rediculous, why would people want to do such a thing. I agree after everything that they have been through its just crazy that someone would do that.